What Is Law New?

Law new refers to the legal industry’s current process of implementing changes that deliver impactful, customer-centric service. This is a change process that resembles that of other industries that produce products and services at the speed of their customers. It’s also one that enables the industry to thrive by delivering value at a lower price point and leveraging technology, process, and multidisciplinary expertise.

Often, the term is used to describe alternative legal service providers (ALSPs), though it can also be applied to the entire industry of lawyers and firms. It’s an attempt to distinguish these organizations from traditional legal firms.

The term “new law” has been tossed around as an umbrella for a diverse group of initiatives, including:

In the past few years, the industry’s focus has shifted from cost reduction to delivering more value to clients. Firms have been forced to cut salaries, reduce overhead, and find cheaper operating locations. While these efforts are important to the industry, they don’t make it “new.”

Rather, what makes something new is how it is accomplished. For example, the automotive industry routinely collaborates with competitors to design products, develop processes, and improve performance. The legal industry needs to follow suit.

It’s important to remember that while “law new” is a catchall industry term, it is not synonymous with innovation. In order for a change to be labeled as law new, it must produce results that are meaningful to legal consumers and society at large. Otherwise, it’s simply a matter of adding new icing to an old cake.

Recently, fans saw Law demonstrate his power in the Wano Country arc, where he fought against Blackbeard and his crew. Fans now know that Law’s main source of strength is his Ope Ope no Mi, which allows him to create huge ROOMs and manipulate everything in them. Combined with his tremendous Haki, Law has the potential to match up well against any pirate in the One Piece world.

Law is still not at his peak. He is not completely accustomed to his awakening, and he has yet to receive the final upgrade that will put him on par with the Emperors. However, with time, he is likely to become even stronger.

The Open Meetings Law applies to “public bodies,” which include entities consisting of two or more people who conduct public business and perform a governmental function for the State, an agency of the State, or a political subdivision of the State, such as cities, counties, towns, villages, school boards, and commissions, as well as committees and subcommittees of those groups. To learn more about the process for creating a new law, read our guide on how bills become laws in the US Congress. This article has been archived and is available through our partners LexisNexis® and Bloomberg Law.