The Daily News – A Snapshot of Journalism in Motion

Whether you’re writing for print or the web, the goal of an effective news article is to give readers what they want as quickly and as clearly as possible. In the case of newspaper articles, this is called “writing above the fold.” The phrase comes from the crease in newspapers that forces readers to view the top stories before they have to scroll down. This is a great challenge for online writers, who must make their headlines and headline copy compelling enough to draw in readers.

News articles should be well researched and written with accuracy. This means double-checking facts and including sources of information, particularly for quotes. It also means not making overly positive or negative statements that could be perceived as bias. When in doubt, read other news articles or watch news shows to see how professionals do it.

The Daily News is a major New York City newspaper that has been in operation since 1919. Its website features a variety of content, including a variety of current events and local and national news, as well as sports coverage, celebrity gossip, classified ads, and comics. Its newspaper articles include intense city news coverage, politics, and more. The newspaper has a large following of sports fans, and offers extensive coverage of the Yankees, Mets, and Giants.

During the 1940s and 1950s, the newspaper had a Republican stance and espoused conservative populism. It later shifted to a more centrist position, and is today considered liberal in tone.

In the digital age, many newspapers are struggling to stay afloat. Technology has made it easy for news to spread instantly, but also has eliminated jobs and created news deserts in some areas. In addition, citizens often seek out their own information on social media instead of relying on traditional journalists to do the work.

While there are many problems facing journalism today, the Daily News remains committed to providing the best possible quality of reporting and analysis for its readers. Our team of award-winning reporters and columnists cover all aspects of the city, the nation, and the world to deliver you the most up-to-date news in a way that’s both interesting and engaging.

We update this page every day to capture a snapshot of journalism in motion worldwide. We accept submissions from all kinds of daily and weekly newspapers, and the images are viewable in your browser, downloaded as a high-resolution PDF, or linked to the paper’s website. Many of these publications participate in NewsMatch, our annual fundraising drive that matches donations to nonprofit news organizations. Support your local journalism by donating today! Click any image to learn more about the newspaper. You can also browse the archives to see historical front pages from around the world.