Law New, Or LN – Is It Time For Law to Join Corporate America on the Digital Transformation Journey?

law new

The speed of business and the breadth of social change demand that companies move quickly to adopt new, efficient models for doing work. The legal function has been slow to do so, and the pressure on it is growing. It’s time for law to join the rest of corporate America on its digital transformation journey.

A new approach to law is emerging – law new, or LN – an idea that lawyers need to understand and embrace for the benefit of their clients. New law is a concept that can help them discover ways to offer help in different and creative ways. It also can be a way to find new sources of revenue and client satisfaction without impacting existing areas of practice that might be the primary focus of a firm.

There are a number of definitions for new law, but one consistent theme is that it’s about being open to different ideas and taking on the challenge of doing things differently. For example, it could be about working with underserved communities or bringing in outside consultants to handle certain types of matters. It’s also about creating new technologies or leveraging technology to do something that hasn’t been done before.

What does this mean in practice? The new law trend is an exciting and challenging opportunity for legal teams. It’s about using creativity and innovation to meet clients’ needs and create better experiences. And it’s about embracing the power of collaboration — a crucial skill in today’s hyper-competitive and digitized economy.

A new kind of law is emerging that is collaborative, affordable, accessible, flexible, transparent, on-demand, efficient, data-backed and solutions based. It’s a law that’s powered by technology platforms with multidisciplinary resources and expertise who are able to provide agile, fluid legal support on a continuous basis and in an iterative fashion. This is a new law model that is customer impact driven and results oriented, not rooted in legacy delivery models, outdated legal education or self-regulation.

The lawmaking branch of the federal government is the House of Representatives and Senate, as well as individual committees and subcommittees. Each body has its own process for researching, discussing and making changes to a bill before voting on it. This page provides information about how bills become laws, including a list of current and enacted legislation in the House and Senate, links to slip law texts (Public Law (PL) numbers), and information about how to contact legislators.