Issues News – ABA Law Updates Practice Centers and Tracker Updates

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ABA Law has updated several pages in its practice centers to help users quickly find content on the latest legal developments. It has also enhanced its dockets search functionality, making it faster and easier for users to find cases, briefs, and other materials. In addition to these updates, the Antitrust Practice Center has removed several pages from the site and added a number of Antitrust Fast Answers. These answers provide practitioners with focused, easy-to-follow answers to the most pressing questions about antitrust law.

Practical Guidance has added a new topic page on Tort Defenses. The page includes guidance on how to navigate the law and the relevant standards of liability. In addition, the topic page covers the various types of relief that may be awarded in a tort case. The page also provides links to secondary sources for further information. In addition, the page has been updated to include a section on “Related Resources,” including the ABA’s Guide to Employee Rights and Restrictions. This guidance helps attorneys understand the various employee rights that may be applicable to their clients.

A new Reference Materials tile on the Practical Guidance homepage includes links to a topically organized library, manuals, and portfolios. Additionally, the site has added 40 books to its library, including books from leading publishers. In addition, the site has added a new Benefits & Executive Compensation Reference Library, which includes a benefits overview and executive compensation plans.

The International Trade Practice Center has also been refreshed to make it easier for users to find content. The site has also added a Trade Block Profile, which includes countries with which the United States has trade agreements. This new directory also includes a search box, allowing users to quickly find materials by state, industry, or keyword. It has also added a curated listing of trade investigations. Using this directory, users can home in on specific countries or industries, allowing them to keep track of ongoing trade investigations. In addition, the site has added curated searches of Tracker updates and alerts.

The Bankruptcy Fundamentals Toolkit has been updated to provide practitioners with a comprehensive introduction to bankruptcy law and practice. The toolkit is designed to help attorneys who are unfamiliar with the bankruptcy law and practice navigate key pain points during their first years in practice. In addition, the toolkit provides guidance on preparing for litigation, filing bankruptcy, and conducting research. Using the toolkit, attorneys can learn how to use Bloomberg Law’s workflow tools to make their research more effective and efficient.

In addition to ABA’s Practical Guidance, Bloomberg Law has also added more than 50 new Practical Guidance documents to the site. Among these, the Practice Center has updated its chapter on “Age Discrimination in Employment Law” to include information on social distancing restrictions, age discrimination in the workplace, and the implications for employee benefit plans. The site has also updated the chapters on COVID-19 screenings and Fourth Amendment protection of employee social media posts.